
In this category “accessories”, you will find bowls in frosted crystal and therapeutic bowls as well as natural incense, many pendulums and some statuettes of Buddhas from Bali, for the well being of the house and the person.

A description of the bowls (manufacture, instructions for use) can be found in the “crystal bowls” category.
The use of frosted crystal bowls can be used both for energy purification and recharging the person, as well as for cleaning and harmonizing “charged” places.
Each frosted crystal bowl has two mallets and a support ring.
With regard to the therapeutic bowl with hollow handle, the vibration is clearly more crystalline than that of the frosted bowl. Each therapeutic bowl is delivered with its protective carrying bag and a carrying case.

Our shop also has several models of tuning forks as well as crystal pyramids. The mallet and the carrying case are provided for each item.

Finally, our site offers a wide choice of pendulums.

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